Departure Chandelier - Antichrist Rise to Power

International Black Metal
Origin: Montréal, Quebec, Canada / New York, United States
Status: Active
Lyrical themes: French history, War
similar Bands: Akitsa [Canada-Black Metal], Véhémence [France-Epic/Medieval Black Metal], Ash Pool [USA-Raw Black Metal]

DEPARTURE CHANDELIER - Antichrist Rise to Power
© 2019 NWN Productions

:: personal shits ::
added: Apr '21

DEPARTURE CHANDELIER - Antichrist Rise to Power
© 2019 NWN Productions
Cat N°: ANTI-GOTH 401

Band members
Fanalis - Unknown
Crucifixus - Unknown
Vinculum - Unknown

Napoleonic War Black Metal

1. Intro (Napoleon's Sword) 02:28 [instrumental]
2. Life Escaping Through the Candle's Smoke 04:21 
3. Forever Faithful to the Emperor 04:54 
4. Catacombs Beneath the Castle of the Marquis 04:57 
5. Departure Chandelier 06:13 
6. A Sacrifice to the Corsica Antichrist 03:15 
7. Re-Establish the Black Rule of France 04:44 
8. Outro (Exile on the Jagged Cliffs of Saint Helena) 03:30 [instrumental]
t o t a l . . 34:22

check this

The Black Crest of Death, the Gold Wreath of War -Demo 2011 
Blood Tyrant / Departure Chandelier -Split 2017 
Antichrist Rise to Power -Full-length 2019 
Dripping Papal Blood -Demo 2020

VOD AUDIO ™ page by ibob Funebre
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